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Trivia Massaline

Trivia Massaline is a PhD Candidate, Social Work Professional, and Community Volunteer, who specializes in law enforcement and family advocacy.


She’s a Florida native, originally from the Panhandle. In 2015, Mrs. Massaline earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Management from Chipola College. Shortly, two years later she graduated with a Master of Business Administration focusing on Human Resource Management, from Northcentral University. In 2024, at National University, she earned her Doctorate of Business Administration with a specialization in Organizational Leadership.

After spending years as a Social Worker helping families with locating jobs and GED or Collegiate enrollment, Mrs. Massaline’s compassion for the community grew stronger. She not only sympathized with parents, especially single moms, but she also empathized - as she was once a single mother working as a full-time employee and full-time student, determined to create a better life for herself and her children. 

This path led her into law enforcement. While in this field, Trivia noticed a huge gap within the prison system. Repeat offenders needed more support and resources to decrease recidivism rates. Mrs. Massaline believes, “Most inmates simply need someone to believe in them and push them to their full potential.” Moved by the homelessness and convicted felons in her hometown, in 2022, Mrs. Massaline launched “One Step At A Time,” a 501c3 community-based organization that provides prevention and intervention support services and programs for families and individuals directly affected by homelessness or incarceration.

Today, Mrs. Massaline is a devoted wife and a mother of a blended family.  Most recently, Trivia was nominated and inducted by her alumni as a member of The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS), one of the largest leadership honor societies in the United States.


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